Amazing coloration.
These pears are just the right size.
This beautiful visitor seems to have been separated from his/her friends; they usually forage in a flock.
On the lookout for other waxwings, and any dangers as well. Hawks, Owls and Falcons are constant threats. It's easier for predators to catch a bird unaware if they don't have the flock to help watch.
If the sun goes behind the clouds and there is a cold breeze, birds like this Bohemian Waxwing can fluff up their feathers to greatly increase the insulation value of them.
Toss another one down the hatch!
Hopefully by fueling up he/she will have the energy to locate the rest of the flock and rejoin them.
Even with bright yellow markings, this waxwing was surprising well camouflaged.
Golden-crowned Kinglet - Looking to see what the waxwing was eating...
Once he saw it was only small dried pears, he flew off to rejoin a small flock of chickadees.
Stretched each wing one-at-a-time, and now the tail.