Pileated Woodpecker (Male)
Our largest Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpeckers (Left-Female, Right-Male)
He did most of the excavating
A red squirrel ran down the back side of the tree and startled him
I didn't realize his tongue is so long, makes sense though
I couldn't tell if he was just hunting for grubs or creating a possible nesting cavity
Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker looking for a good sounding tree
The sapsuckers would tap all around and up and down a tree to find the best sound response
This female sapsucker spent at least 30 minutes feeding on the sap of this tree, when I left she was still there
A Dark-eyed Junco came to see what I was doing
Wasn't ready and didn't get good framing on this Song Sparrow and his reflection
Robins combing the field mid-morning